Dr. Gowd's Dental Hospital  | Dental health care: A must for healthy living
Dr. Gowd's Dental Hospital  | Dental health care: A must for healthy living

Dental health care: A must for healthy living

While at least a few visits to the dentist’s chamber become compulsory during the lifetime of the average person; it is more important to contemplate on the conditions under which one has to go to the dentist. Is one going for a regular check-up or, are we talking about one of those painful root-canal sessions?  Taking good care of your teeth not only keeps your visits to the dentist at a minimum, it also makes sure that the most basic causes for commonly occurring dental ailments are eliminated.

Richard H. Price DMD, spokesperson for the American Dental Association suggests that one should brush their teeth thoroughly at least twice in a day. A former clinical instructor at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine, Price advices, “Be sure to floss at least once a day. I do it after every meal when I can.” A regular dental health-care regime prevents periodontal, or gum, disease from developing.

Relationship with food

A healthy diet is related to your teeth in more number of ways than you can imagine. Other than of course the obvious connection of eating, a healthy diet which provides the right balance of calcium, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and even fluoride up to a certain extant can aid in the prevention of decay and thereby provide ample resistance to cavities. On the other hand, food heavy in simple sugars and starch can be a major feast for oral bacteria. A diet filled with sugars and mostly composed of over-processed food can be dangerous for health. This kind of food is usually devoid of vitamins and minerals that are provided by raw fruits and vegetables.

What can the teeth endure?

While food can only be one of the factors leading to the decay of teeth, there are an ample number of bad habits which can cause a serious depreciation of the teeth. Smoking of course tops the list in such a case. Starting from tar which can cause decay to the most obvious nicotine stains, smoking has all the components to turn your teeth into the ugliest feature on your face. Not to forget of course, the major effect it can have on your gums. Forcefully chewing on hard things or cold things like ice can damage teeth as well.

Proper methods of brushing and flossing

It is very important to be vigilant when brushing and flossing your teeth. One should make sure that the act of brushing should remove stray particles from the teeth, massage gums, eliminate plaque and freshen breath. Utmost attention should be given to removing debris from in between teeth while flossing.

Regular dentist check-ups

Remember no matter how healthy you are, it is important that you go for your regular check-ups on time. This is important because often we over-look certain basic problems which when diagnosed at an early stage can prevent a lot of major dental problems. A professional’s assessment of your teeth is very important, both as a preventive measure as well as a measure for care.

Regular dental care and health check-ups not only play a preventive role, they can even help reverse gum diseases in their early stages.


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Dr. Gowd's Dental Hospital  | Dental health care: A must for healthy living
Dr. Gowd's Dental Hospital  | Dental health care: A must for healthy living
Dr. Gowd's Dental Hospital  | Dental health care: A must for healthy living

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